Lot Information:
Wallin 18th Addition, Lot 9 Block 1
Address: 2640 Woodcliffe Trail
Estimated Acres: 0.61

Est. Dimensions:
Front: 87′ | Left: 161′
Right: 236′ | Rear: 226′

Lot Type: WO

Builder Restriction: Open

Wyndham Hills - Wallin 18th Lot 9 Block 1 Zoom

Closer View of Wallin 18th, Lot 9 Block 1 with property boundaries estimated.

Wyndham Hills - Wallin 18th Lot 9 Block 1 Drone

Drone image taken looking West towards Wyndham Hills, Wallin 18th Addition, Lot 9 Block 1.

Wyndham Hills - Wallin 18th Lot 9 Block 1 Curbside

Curbside looking North-West from Woodcliffe Trail towards Lot

Flyover of the general area of Wallin 18th