Lot Information:
Wallin 18th Addition, Lot 8 Block 1
Address: 2670 Woodcliffe Trail
Estimated Acres: 0.41
Est. Dimensions:
Front: 74′ | Left: 196′
Right: 161′ | Rear: 215′
Lot Type: WO
Builder Restriction: Open
Lot Information:
Wallin 18th Addition, Lot 8 Block 1
Address: 2670 Woodcliffe Trail
Estimated Acres: 0.41
Est. Dimensions:
Front: 74′ | Left: 196′
Right: 161′ | Rear: 215′
Lot Type: WO
Builder Restriction: Open
Disclaimer: This information is believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey or for zoning verification. All website information including lot availability, pricing, details and type are subject to change without notice.